Understanding EPC Certificates: A Guide for Property Sellers

If you’re planning to sell your property, you’ve likely heard about Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). But what exactly are they, and why are they so important? This guide will break down everything you need to know about EPCs, ensuring you’re well-prepared for a smooth property sale with Felicity J. Lord, a London-based estate agent.

What is an EPC Certificate?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that provides a rating of a property’s energy efficiency. The rating ranges from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The certificate includes information on the property’s energy use and typical energy costs, along with recommendations for improving energy efficiency to save money.

Why Do You Need an EPC?

    1. Legal Requirement: It’s a legal requirement to have an EPC when selling a property, you need to provide this certificate to potential buyers as soon as you put your property on the market.
    2. Informs Buyers: An EPC provides potential buyers with important information about the property’s energy efficiency, which can influence their buying decision. A better rating can make your property more attractive.
    3. Cost Savings: By following the recommendations on the EPC, you can improve your home’s energy efficiency, potentially saving money on energy bills and increasing your property’s value.

How to Get an EPC

Getting an EPC is a straightforward process:

  1. Contact a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA): You need to hire a qualified DEA to assess your property, felicity J. Lord can help you find a reputable assessor in London.
  2. Property Assessment: The assessor will visit your property and evaluate various factors, including insulation, heating systems, and windows.
  3. Receive Your EPC: After the assessment, you’ll receive your EPC, which will be valid for 10 years.

What Does an EPC Include?

An EPC includes:

  • Energy Efficiency Rating: A visual chart showing the property’s energy efficiency rating from A to G.
  • Environmental Impact Rating: Information on the property’s carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Estimated Energy Costs: A breakdown of potential energy costs for heating, lighting, and hot water.
  • Recommendations: Suggestions for improving energy efficiency, such as installing double glazing or upgrading the boiler.

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What If You Don't Have a FENSA Certificate?

Not possessing a FENSA certificate does not render your property unsellable, here are your options:

  1. Retrospective Building Regulation Compliance Certificate: Apply through your local authority. This process can be time-consuming and typically costs between £300 and £400.
  2. Local Authority Search: Conveyancers can request a local authority search as part of the transaction. This search will reveal details of the installation, including certification status and installer information.
  3. Indemnity Insurance: If the work was completed over a year ago, you might obtain double glazing building regulations indemnity insurance. Ensure that the policy covers any costs if installations are found non-compliant and enforcement action is necessary.

While it is not illegal to buy or sell a non-compliant property, it can cause 

How EPC Ratings Affect Property Sales

Higher Ratings, Higher Appeal

Properties with higher EPC ratings are generally more appealing to buyers. A higher rating suggests lower energy bills and a more environmentally friendly home, which can be a significant selling point.#

Potential for Higher Sale Prices

Homes with better energy efficiency ratings can often command higher prices, buyers are increasingly aware of energy costs, and an efficient home can be a more attractive investment.

Quicker Sales3

Properties with higher EPC ratings can sell faster, buyers may be more inclined to purchase a home that promises lower ongoing energy costs and fewer future upgrades.

Improving Your EPC Rating

If your property has a low EPC rating, there are several steps you can take to improve it before selling:

  1. Upgrade Insulation: Adding or improving insulation in the walls, roof, and floors can significantly boost your EPC rating.
  2. Install Energy-Efficient Windows: Double or triple glazing can help retain heat and reduce energy costs.
  3. Replace the Boiler: An efficient boiler can make a big difference in your home’s energy efficiency.
  4. Use Energy-Saving Appliances: Replacing old appliances with energy-efficient models can improve your rating.
  5. Implement Renewable Energy Solutions: Installing solar panels or other renewable energy sources can dramatically enhance your property’s energy efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do All Properties Need an EPC?

Most p3operties require an EPC when they are built, sold, or rented, however there are a few exceptions, such as listed buildings or places of worship. Felicity J. Lord can provide specific guidance based on your property type.

How Much Does an EPC Cost?

The cost of an EPC can vary depending on the size and location of your property. On average, you can expect to pay between £60 and £120. It’s worth shopping around and asking Felicity J. Lord for recommendations on assessors.

How long is an EPC Valid?

An EPC is valid for 10 years. If you’ve made significant energy efficiency improvements to your property since your last EPC, it might be worth getting a new assessment to reflect these changes.

What If My Property Has a Low Rating?

If your property has a low EPC rating, it’s not the end of the world. You can improve your rating by making the energy efficiency upgrades mentio3ed earlier. Felicity J. Lord can offer advice on cost-effective improvements to boost your property’s rating.


An EPC is more than just a legal requirement; it’s a valuable tool that can enhance the sale of your property. By understanding its importance and taking steps to improve your property’s energy efficiency, you can make your home more appealing to buyers and potentially increase its market value. For further assistance with your property sale, trust Felicity J. Lord, a leading London-based estate agent, to guide you through the process.

For more information on selling your property and obtaining an EPC, contact Felicity J. Lord today.